Sunday, February 22, 2015

Thank you`

Just want to say Thank you to  Charity from Teaching Blog Traffic School for helping me begin this blog. I think my blog is off to a good start. Now off to watch the Oscars!

New beginnings...............

I'm very excited to begin blogging about the topic dearest to my heart- teaching kindergarteners to learn through play!! With all the mandates, assessments, data, etc., required of all of us teaching in the public schools, we feel forced to "let go" of developmental programs for young learners in order to "teach to the test" instead. Since I'm a 30-year veteran in the field, I guess I'm a dinosaur in the classroom, but I have refused to give up on the underlying aspect of learning through play. What happened to teaching with vigor and hands-on learning? Or the brilliance of Confucius, " I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." 
The purpose of my blog is to reach out to fellow educators of young children to discuss, share, and learn from each other how to keep play in the classroom to facilitate better learning.
Please be patient as I  work through making my page more interesting visually- I'm a learner, too.
Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to hearing from you!